Products of great character that combine aesthetics, functionality and awe.
More than 200 product lines targeting the home and contract markets. Download Quick View
MHigh level of customization to give you the most functional solution for your clients.
Many products line are produced in batches and kept in stock to fulfill quick ship requirements.

We offer a generous trade discount, end-of-year bonuses and frequent promotions to generate sell out. Fill in the "Apply for a trade account" form below and our Sales Desk will get in touch with you.

We offer extra-incentives and better margins to those dealers who display our products on the floor. And we call them our "Premium Partners".

More than 60% of our product lines are in stock and we give you password-protected online access to our inventory, 24/7
Friendly and knowledgeable staff is available to assist you and can be reached 8,30-12,30 and 14-18 (Rome time zone) through several communication channels.
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