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Domestic tree
Alberto has a tree-like structure, consisting of five distinct branches extending upwards from a trunk that provides stability to the entire figure. Alberto is a 'tree' that decides to live in the house, becoming the perfect support for coats, hats and jackets.

Unique and original design
Alberto is a coat stand with a unique and original design, consisting of a mass-dyed recyclable polyethylene structure supported by a lacquered metal base. Turned wooden knobs on each branch allow bags and garments to be easily hung.

Alberto 'goes out'
of the house
Alberto, in the clothesline version, becomes an ironic holder for laundry, ideal for placing in the garden or on the terrace as it is resistant to light and water.

Fabrica is a research centre, a studio, a school with headquarters in Italy but works globally. Fabrica is an integrated programme of the Benetton Group with the aim of creating products with a unique vision, created through design processes that are challenged every time.