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RememberMe, the project
Walking towards the future but with an eye on the origins. This is the stated aim of RememberMe, a project developed in collaboration with Tobias Juretzek that aims to re-evaluate the past with a view to the future.

Reduce, reuse, recycle
The new green-thinking approach aims to safeguard natural resources and prevent waste. RememberMe is an example of this, providing new life to objects laden with memories and memories, giving them a new place in the present.

From idea to product
Clothes supplied by customers or from companies become precious materials for the creation of unique furniture. A special vegetable-based resin blends with the fabrics, transforming the chairs into genuine works of art.

Tobias Juretzek
He studied product design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kassel. His signature style lies in experimentation, in the search for new facets in the field of design. He is an initiator, an 'explorer' of innovations and moments of inspiration.